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About Bevy

Don't just host a virtual event. Build a thriving community.

Bevy isn't just another virtual event platform—it's the only enterprise-grade solution designed specifically for creating and nurturing vibrant virtual communities. Our cutting-edge field marketing capabilities empower organizations to connect, engage, and grow their audience like never before.

Upcoming Virtual Events

Organize a User Group

Organize a user group

Here's a complete guide to organizing meetups.

We know that people enjoy giving back to the communities they care about, so we've created this guide to help you get started on your path to starting a user group.

Host a Meetup

Host a meetup

We’re always looking for places to host our meetups. If your company, coworking space, or startup accelerator is available for Bevy community members to meet, please contact us. Your facilities don't need to be fancy — we're looking for a comfortable vibe, projector, screen, chairs, and a place to serve refreshments. Host a meetup.

Speak at a Meetup

Speak at a meetup

We want to hear from you — and so do other meetup members! Present about your Bevy stories — be it a lightning round talk or a full hour session with Q&A. Our Speaker Guide is full of tips on giving a stellar presentation.

Bevy Event Support

Bevy event support

We'll make sure you're ready to rock your event by setting you up with:

  • A box of goodies for your meetup that includes t-shirts, stickers, and other swag for your attendees
  • A budget for refreshments
  • Connections to interested speakers and hosts
  • Promotions for your event on our website, blog, and social media channels

We have special gifts for our volunteer organizers, too. Thank you for all you do to grow and nurture our community.

Learn More About Bevy

The global Bevy community runs on local time. Current Bevy community organizers share how they were inspired (including some tips and tricks) to start local user groups.

Join The Bevy Community!

Connect. Contribute. Learn. Experience.

Join Us